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Framework To IP For Consultants.

Discover how to create hundreds of thousands of $$ of extra value for your company by simply creating a framework from your existing business processes.

And Then... Automating It!
The idea here is simple:  Take the business processes you have already used and honed for years, document them fully, create a framework around these processes, protect it with Trademarks to create IP and tell the World about it. This is the Framework to IP Process.

This will create tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of $$ incremental value to your company and give you an asset that can be sold to increase turnover and margins.
Framework to IP
Learn How To Get Started
Zway has created a service around the journey from Framework to IP that includes:

1. Consulting on Programmes and IP Protection
2. Process design and Automation
3. Product Marketing
4. Graphic Design
5. Technical Support and implementation
6. Copywriting
7. Training

Register Your Interest Here

UK Examples of How Other Consultants  Create IP from Existing Frameworks

Deloitte’s RADAR™ framework focuses on identifying and assessing risks within a business while analyzing data to support decision-making. It is particularly used in financial services  

The RADAR framework enabled Deloitte to secure major clients in the banking and insurance sectors, helping them address regulatory challenges and optimize risk management. 

This has led to significant growth in Deloitte’s UK consulting revenue and has been crucial for securing lucrative contracts with financial institutions and other risk-averse industries.
SAFE™ is a framework designed to scale agile practices across large organizations. Capgemini UK has adapted and used SAFE™ as a core part of their digital transformation services for UK businesses,

Capgemini has used the SAFE™ framework to win major digital transformation projects with UK enterprises  leading to significant consulting revenues. 

It has enabled them to demonstrate expertise in agile practices, making them a preferred partner for businesses looking to modernize their operations.
The ACTIVATE™ framework is designed to guide digital transformation projects from initial strategy through to execution. It helps clients in the UK streamline operations and drive innovation by following a clear, structured process.

Accenture’s ability to apply the ACTIVATE framework to large-scale projects in banking, retail, and healthcare has made it a valuable asset in securing multi-million-pound contracts in the UK..

The Zway AMPLIFIES Framework

A - Assets Design
Design Visual Assets: Create infographics, videos, slides, or other visual graphics for your Framework that are shareable and help your ideas spread.

M - Media Sharing
Use it in your social media: Share insights and key elements of your Framework on LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok to build your online presence.

P - Pitch Creation
Create an Elevator pitch: Develop a one-page description of the Framework, potentially including diagrams to make it easily understandable.

L - Lead Magnet Development
Write a detailed guide: Create an in-depth guide or e-book, expanding on each step of your framework. It can serve as a lead magnet or even a paid product.

I - Instructional Videos
Produce a full video series: Create a series of videos that break down each part of the Framework, appealing to visual learners on platforms like YouTube.

F - Framework Trademarking
Trademark your Framework: Start the process to protect the name and visual representation of your framework, enhancing its value.

I - Insights Blogging
Develop a Blog post series: Write posts that detail each step and component of your Framework, improving your SEO and establishing authority.

E - Educational Workshops
Develop workshop materials: Create workshops around your framework for delivery to clients and at industry events, positioning your business as an educator.

S - Strategic Deployment
Strategic deployment of all content: Coordinate all the content and resources created in the above steps for a strategic roll-out that amplifies your brand and your client's awareness.

AMPLIFIES not only represents the services we offer but also suggests the impact our consulting can have on a client’s business—helping them to "amplify" their ideas into valuable intellectual property!

A Done For You Approach

Zway can set out the entire programme of Framework to IP,  

We can agree on the timescales and the deliverables with you.

We can produce all of the materials for you and report on each stage.

This is a Managed Framework to IP solution.

A Done With You Approach

Zway can set out the programme during an initial kick-off workshop for this project.

We can agree on deliverables and distribute the workload with your own staff.

We can collate all of the materials and project manage from start to end..
Why don't you do this yourself?.
Zway would be happy to spend some time showing you exactly how these Framework to IP projects can be put together and we will happily provide you with any information you need to get the job done.  We have videos and PDF's and presentation material to assist you.  However, you have one major disadvantage right now when it comes to the ability to do this work yourself.

We call it "The curse of knowledge".  - In short - You know too much.  - This hampers you when simplifying processes.  In these projects a view from outside the box is always best.

Projects such as this will diminish your own ability to deliver your existing orders for your clients and will detract from day-to-day business.  Zway works in the background, bring value to you when finished.

Plus - Zway automates processes for clients all day every day.  We can ensure your budget is spent and delivers great value. £ for £, we always deliver in a more economical fashion than our clients can do themselves.

A Quick Word About Process Automation.

The processes you use each day across multiple departments and skill sets are what makes you.. Unique.
Sometimes a process does not need to be automated to be easy to follow and efficient.  But oftentimes, added automation creates an effect that can double its' value overnight.
Zway has a team of Engineers that have created bespoke and generic automations in almost every industry.  We have proven expertise  in this area and can show you how control of processes with up to date reporting and access for teams to key information in a timely manner can change the way a process is perceived by clients.
Speak to Zway about adding Process Automation at the same time.
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Consider how easy and manageable this process would be if each person had their own workflow to follow and every piece of information they needed to make it so was available at the right time, in one place.
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